The Inhibition of Religious Fanaticism in Islam
Severity occurs in different forms, when it deviates from moderation. When a person deviates from moderation, the way of his thinking and watching over things are changed. He will appear to be a normal person; he may have the same views like others. But he will propose a solution to a problem, which will be out of bounds, people will grief from him. Then he becomes the opposite of being a good citizen. A moderate citizen’s behavior in society is such that others do not hate him. That is why he lives peacefully among them. Every society has a collective concept to which it adheres. Some people disagree with that concept. Then that conflict is resolved by trying to reconstruct the past. They want to rekindle the glorious past by undoing the mistakes of the past. But a fanatic/dogmatic person or group will stick to one of two opinions. Either they would like to implement the past system again or they will plane the future in such a way that the values of the past do not interfere in it. An extremist person considers that, my views are the right ones. If people don’t agree with me, I will forcibly persuade them. But the reality is that, the world cannot survive like that. Islam has nothing to do with a person who transgresses. Islam itself is a moderate religion and teacher’s moderation to its followers.
Keywords: intolerance, excessiveness, un-reasonable attitude, moderation.