A Systemic Literature on Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth: Challenges and Research Direction


  • Asghar Kamal PhD scholar Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management (HSM), Department of Banking and Finance, University of Management and Technology Lahore
  • Faran Ali Senior Officer, University of Management & Technology, Lahore
  • Dr. Tamsila Naeem Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics and Communications, University of Management and Technology Lahore


The main objective of this research works is to examine the impact of financial inclusion (FI) on the economic growth(EG). Financial inclusion states access, usage and availability of the financial product and service to the entire population without discrimination to the society. Last few decades, the policy maker shifted from the financial development toward the FI to enhance the EG both the developed and developing countries. So this research highlighted and whether FI service enhance the countries growth. For this research purpose the research works selected from the both developed and underdeveloped countries to check the literature on the relationship among the FI and EG. The research work found that FI has positive and significantly influence on the EG of the both developed and developing countries. 

Keywords- Financial Inclusion, Economic Growth, and SLR




How to Cite

Asghar Kamal, Faran Ali, & Dr. Tamsila Naeem. (2023). A Systemic Literature on Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth: Challenges and Research Direction. OEconomia, 6(1), 106–120. Retrieved from https://oeconomiajournal.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/45


