Exploring Students' Stance about English Language Learning through YouTube


  • Qurat-ul-Ain Ayyaz Scholar M. Phil in English, Ghazi University, D.G. Khan
  • Suman Khursheed Scholar M.Phil in English, Ghazi University, D.G. Khan
  • Sadia Aslam M.Phil Scholar in English, Ghazi University, D.G. Khan
  • Samina Baby M.Phil Scholar in English, Ghazi University, D.G. Khan
  • Saifullah Bs English, Ghazi University, D.G. Khan


Education, Foreign language, Idioms, Technology, Vocabulary, YouTube, etc


As the world has become globalized, the use of technology is increased in every field of life, particularly in the field of education. Technology, according to Aziz & Hassan (2018) plays a vital role to learn foreign languages especially English. It is playing a key role in forming, and modifying the way individuals converse, acquire, explain, and interact with others. It serves people with different benefits such as helping, providing, and obtaining information around the globe without employing outdated methods. With the passage of time and the advancement of technology, the culture of learning through YouTube is getting more popular because of its independent learning in form of useful videos. Hence, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of learning English idioms and vocabulary from YouTube videos which overall contribute to the learning of the English language and to know the perceptions of pupils in the betterment of their English language skills. The emphasis of the current study is on vocabulary skills via YouTube videos among the students at Ghazi University and the University of Education, Campus D.G Khan. To collect the data, the researcher used the online survey method and also conducted a structured interview. To meet the results of the gathered information, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was employed. The results demonstrated the positive response by students to learn vocabulary and idioms by watching videos from YouTube. Moreover, the outcome showed that videos may contribute to boosting the academic performance of students in the upcoming time.




How to Cite

Qurat-ul-Ain Ayyaz, Suman Khursheed, Sadia Aslam, Samina Baby, & Saifullah. (2023). Exploring Students’ Stance about English Language Learning through YouTube. OEconomia, 6(1), 93–105. Retrieved from https://oeconomiajournal.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/44


