Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility: International literature Evidence


  • Dr. Gilmour


Corporate social responsibility, CSR evolution, Sustainable development, Generation of shared value, social responsibility


CSR has experienced several changes since its beginnings (CSR). Academic literature lacks
a historical review of the field's growth. Understanding the idea in light of national and
worldwide events that impacted workplace social norms. This paper offers a unique
historical perspective on the emergence of CSR as a conceptual paradigm by evaluating
academic contributions, international regulations, and major social and political events.
This is done by a detailed literature study. Examines the academic contributions and public
events that have had the largest impact on evolution. The results show that corporate
responsibility is better understood. From profit-only to a belief system with broader duties.
Companies should priorities creating shared value. Along with increasing social
expectations of how corporations should behave, CSR also developed, the findings suggest.
The results indicate that corporate social responsibility (CSR) maintains its importance in
academic literature and is likely to continue to play a role in business vocabulary in the
short term. As a result, the authors present a plausible future for CSR that takes into
account these shifts in terminology. This study opens the door for future research on CSR.
Corporate social responsibility activities can help meet modern social expectations that a
main business purpose should be creating shared value, which can have concrete impacts




How to Cite

Dr. Gilmour. (2022). Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility: International literature Evidence. OEconomia, 5(2), 1–14. Retrieved from https://oeconomiajournal.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/33


